We are proud to offer the following dedicated specialty clinics to better serve our patients!
Treating the window to your world
We specialize in providing consultations to patients with corneal problems. Following a detailed exam and advanced diagnostic imaging, the doctor and patient review the diagnosis, discuss treatment options, and go over any questions. Treatment options can be medical (prescription eye drops for example) or surgical (corneal transplants, lasers, etc). All of our pre- and post-operative transplant patients are followed in this clinic.

Helping you achieve better & more comfortable vision
In this particular specialty clinic, our surgeons at Precision Cornea Centre look forward to helping patients that have surgical issues of the iris (pupilloplasty, iris reconstruction, artificial iris implants) and the lens (lens repositioning and exchange, secondary lens, supplementary lenses). In addition, we have expertise in the diagnosis and management of cornea- and lens-based aberrations that can affect the quality of your vision.

When red, irritated and painful eyes are getting in the way of your busy life
Dry eye syndrome is a multifactorial, progressive, and chronic eye disease that often is not taken seriously. If left untreated, it can cause irreversible damage to the cornea, lids, and meibomian glands. At Precision Cornea Centre, we are equipped with advanced diagnostic equipment that allows us to diagnose and determine the root cause of your dry eye. We also offer in-house treatments (e.g., IPL, ZEST, Lipiflow) if indicated for appropriate candidates.

Myopia significantly increases a child’s lifetime risk for serious eye diseases
The Myopia Management Clinic specializes in myopia (nearsightedness) care for children. Childhood myopia rates are increasing and half the world will be myopic by 2050. Precision Cornea Centre uses state-of-the-art equipment to provide a individualized treatment plan to slow down the progression of myopia in our young patients.
Specialized and customized contact lens fitting for babies, children, and adults
In some cases, glasses may not be the best option for improving vision. For individuals with abnormal corneas, moderate to severe dry eyes, and other eye problems, specialty contact lenses can significantly help in providing better and more comfortable vision. At Precision Cornea Centre, we offer a large range of specialty contact lenses like customized scleral lenses using 3D software, hybrid lenses, small rigid gas permeable lenses, prosthetic hand painted soft contact lenses, and aphakic pediatric soft contact lenses.

Early diagnosis, careful monitoring, and latest evidence-based treatments
Keratoconus is a bilateral, asymmetric, and progressive eye disease that warps the shape of the cornea. Our clinic specializes in the early diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of all stages of keratoconus and ectasia.  We also offer specialty contact lenses to improve the vision of our patients with this condition.